Thursday, December 9, 2010

Film Analysis for "Borat"

OW: Borat is a television reporter in Kasakstan
Call: Borat is sent to America to learn lessons for his home land
Refusal: Asamt doesnt want to go to california
Mentor: Borats friend Asamt Bagatov who is very fat and ugly.
Threshold: When Borat and Asamt decide to go to california
Tests, allies, enemies: on the way Borat does many reportings and Asamt is his only friend but then turns to his enemy and leaves Borat.
approach: Borat tries to marry/kidnap Pamela Anderson
ordeal: Borat gets taken down by police
reward: figuring out he didnt really want Pamela but thankful for good friends with Asamt.
the road back: Borat flys back to Kasakstan with new girl friend/hooker
Resurrection: he goes back to the hookers house
Return with Elixir: true love with his girlfriend/hooker

Monday, November 29, 2010


Phantom Of  The Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber 
Tom and Jerry run from the monsters of the labyrinth in search for a safe haven. As they hide and battle through obsticles they get to a house. this house is filled with candy.

Mockingbird by Eminem 
From the streets to the fine living Eminem battles through rap battles and studio recordings. to achieve his dreams and provide for his 2 children.

It's All Coming Back To Me Now Celine Dion
A man and woman had a messy, heartbreaking relationship. It's all over, but as soon as they see each other again, all the old feelings begin rushing back.

Cats In The Cradle Cat Stevens

A young boy wishes he could spend more time with his father. His father is his idol, and one day he wants to be just like him. But, the little boy feels the emptiness of his father's broken promises and one day, his dad will be the one feeling empty.

Need You Now Lady Antebellum

The lady sits lonely in her apartment. Her boyfriend has left her because she was a raging whore and wouldn’t stop having her way. Thus the boy moved out in search of a new mate.

Monday, November 22, 2010

10 sixters

1. I would rather be skiing now
2. blue skys are calling to me
3. we cannot get out their coming
4. still not a mormon, good job
5. I threw away my note book
6. I hope to outlive (all) my regrets
7. you are all in my imagination.
8. I thought i would have more impact (football)
9. Give me pen, paper, and imagination
10. A lot of life before me

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Impules II

School dance: 2 guys standing off to the side talking.

m- so you think your gonna get some tonight?
h- well it is expected!
m- ya true, it is the last school dance of the year! we gotta go all out!
h- yes this will be a night to remember.
m- but what if she doesn't want to? after all she has only kissed a few guys!
h- don't think like that. if you are confident anything could happen.
m- alright. well lets wander over and find thoes girls.
h- lets bring them back some punch.

(walk over to get punch)

m- this punch tastes a little off.
h- ya it tastes a bit like...
m- yes that is exactly what i thought! but i didn't think any one here would have the balls to do it.
h- well they did so lets get that punch our girls look thirsty.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ation: just to have a converstaion and then spike the punch
Conflict: there is no conflict in the begining but then the spiking of the punch at the end
Event: when the character walks off to go spike then punch

I could have added more detail and a better conflit to it. As well as expanding on the story and continuing.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Impulse

m- yo, man you come here lots?
h- not really just the past few weeks.
m- why's that?
h- well my friends rather fancy this place.
m- ya i guess it is pretty good.
m- kind of boring sometimes though..
h- ya, true but if you decided to make it fun it can be!
m- i see what your saying, but the girls!
h- what about em'?
m- some days there are lots and some days there are none.
m- know what i mean?
h- ya ya i guess you just gotta choose the right days to come.
m- mmhm well i'm off to go spike the punch so see ya!
h- late! see you around.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bad Poetry

The Love I Have For eee

O, how I love thee,
As I sit apon my tree,
I think of you, me, and the sea,
I wish you could see what I see,
Up apon this tall tall tree,
But now I must climb down for I must pee,
For you to see what I see is all that I nee'
I want it to just be you and me,
For that is how it can be,
Just you and me,
Just you and me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Direct Orders

Rock out like you just landed the hardest trick you have ever tried. Rock out like you just lost your virginity. Rock out like you just got an A on the final test. Rock out like you just scored your first touchdown. Rock out like your favorite song just came on. Rock out likie you just got the best you have ever had. Rock out like you just got the freshest batch ever. Rock out like it never mattered. Rock the F%#K out!

Shake The Dust

This is for the skater punks.
For all the gothic's and druggies.
Shake the dust.
This is for all the people sitting at home.
This is for all the lonly people.
For all the facebook friends.
Shake the dust.
This is for all the children swinging.
This is for all the judged people.
Shake the dust.
Get the most out of life you can. Acomplish all that is posible and enjoy every minute of it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm Thinking About You

I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you like fire thinks about wood. like plants think about water. like water thinks about cooking. like cooking thinks about feeding. I'm thinking about you like gamers think about gaming. like blamers think about blaming. like flamers think about flaming. I'm thinking about you like dirt thinks about clean. like rough thinks about smooth. like hard thinks about soft. like light thinks about dark.

Love Top 10 List

10. love is an empty pixi stick is a cell phone
8. love is a book
7. love is a playground swing
6. love is a filing cabinet filled with important things
5. love is a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get
4. love is a rolling die
3. love is a clock it ticks and ticks until it goes off
2. love is the warming summer sun
1. love is everything

Monday, September 13, 2010


Can I please have my crayons back? I hope to be creative and inspiring to those who read my blog. Not everything will be the best thing you have read, but hopefully it gets you thinking.