Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love Top 10 List

10. love is an empty pixi stick is a cell phone
8. love is a book
7. love is a playground swing
6. love is a filing cabinet filled with important things
5. love is a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get
4. love is a rolling die
3. love is a clock it ticks and ticks until it goes off
2. love is the warming summer sun
1. love is everything


  1. I love how vague you left number 6: love is a filing cabinet filled with important things. You don't say what the important things are, and I think it's better that way.

  2. i like how you wrote love is rolling die, i don't know what that means but its cool anyways.

  3. Love is a rolling die u don't know if u won until it's to late to go back
